Enhancements to an object-oriented programming language

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dc.contributor.advisor Prof John Hosking en
dc.contributor.author Mugridge, Warwick Bruce en
dc.date.accessioned 2007-10-31T22:43:43Z en
dc.date.available 2007-10-31T22:43:43Z en
dc.date.issued 1990 en
dc.identifier.citation Thesis (PhD--Computer Science)--University of Auckland. en
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2292/1997 en
dc.description.abstract The objective of this thesis has been to explore the value and limitations of Class, an object-oriented programming language, in order to further the development of the language. The pivot for this thesis is WallBrace, a code-checking system. The development of the WallBrace system is the basis of a critique of Class, and leads to a number of language extensions being proposed. An important aim in this work has been the careful integration of these enhancements with the rest of the language, avoiding unnecessary additions. A number of functional and object-oriented extensions to the language are proposed. Discrimination functions, which may be higher-order and polymorphic, add considerable functional power. Generic classes allow for abstract data types, such as sets and lists, to be defined within the language. The forms interface proposed will greatly enhance the quality of user interfaces to Class programs. An external interface will allow Class programs to communicate with files, databases, and specialist user-interface programs, such as for plan entry. en
dc.format Scanned from print thesis en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher ResearchSpace@Auckland en
dc.relation.ispartof PhD Thesis - University of Auckland en
dc.relation.isreferencedby UoA135332 en
dc.rights Items in ResearchSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. en
dc.rights.uri https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/docs/uoa-docs/rights.htm en
dc.title Enhancements to an object-oriented programming language en
dc.type Thesis en
thesis.degree.discipline Computer Science en
thesis.degree.grantor The University of Auckland en
thesis.degree.level Doctoral en
thesis.degree.name PhD en
dc.subject.marsden Fields of Research::280000 Information, Computing and Communication Sciences en
dc.rights.holder Copyright: The author en
pubs.local.anzsrc 08 - Information and Computing Sciences en
pubs.org-id Faculty of Science en
dc.identifier.wikidata Q112853239

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