Jesus the Bum: An Ideological Reading of Homelessness in the Gospel of Matthew

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dc.contributor.advisor Wainwright, E en
dc.contributor.advisor McIntosh, T en Myles, RJ en 2013-06-12T03:27:12Z en 2013 en
dc.identifier.uri en
dc.description.abstract This thesis employs socio-rhetorical criticism to probe the nexus between Jesus and homelessness as it surfaces in the Gospel of Matthew. It draws on the critical theory of Slavoj Žižek to argue that the connection between Jesus and homelessness functions as a sublime object of ideology in biblical interpretation. Although a connection between Jesus and homelessness appears frequently in scholarship, most depictions “romanticize” homelessness in a way that divorces it from the marginalizing reality and reduced capacity for agency that typically accompanies the experience. This peculiarity is exploited to demonstrate how biblical interpretation is, often unknowingly, complicit in the ideological politics of homelessness in contemporary society. After developing an interpretive strategy with which to approach the construction of Jesus’ homelessness in the Gospel of Matthew, a selection of texts are re-read to amplify the destitution, desperation, offensiveness, and constraints on agency that are integral to a critical understanding of Jesus’ itinerancy and displacement. These texts include: the flight to Egypt (Mt 2:13-23); the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry and calling of the first disciples (4:12-25); Jesus’ lament of homelessness (8:18-22); the rejection of Jesus by his hometown (13:53-58); and finally, the arrest (26:47-56) and crucifixion of Jesus (27:38-50). What emerges is a refreshed perspective on the deviancy of Matthew’s Jesus, in which his status as a displaced outsider is identified as a significant contributing factor to the conflict of the narrative, and to his eventual execution. en
dc.publisher ResearchSpace@Auckland en
dc.relation.ispartof PhD Thesis - University of Auckland en
dc.rights Items in ResearchSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Previously published items are made available in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. en
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dc.rights.uri en
dc.title Jesus the Bum: An Ideological Reading of Homelessness in the Gospel of Matthew en
dc.type Thesis en The University of Auckland en Doctoral en PhD en
dc.rights.holder Copyright: The Author en
pubs.declined 2016-10-19T17:03:23.131+1300 en
pubs.declined 2016-12-05T18:20:15.885+1300 en
pubs.declined 2016-12-17T18:28:11.393+1300 en
pubs.declined 2017-01-04T17:36:25.986+1300 en
pubs.declined 2017-03-05T17:26:51.45+1300 en
pubs.declined 2017-09-03T17:01:04.829+1200 en
pubs.declined 2017-12-10T18:46:19.649+1300 en
pubs.declined 2019-09-08T17:14:45.252+1200 en
dc.rights.accessrights en
pubs.elements-id 380644 en Faculty of Arts en Humanities en Theology en
pubs.record-created-at-source-date 2013-06-12 en
dc.identifier.wikidata Q112903777

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