Te Kauae Tuku Iho; Inheriting the Sacred Jawbone: Re-imagining Māori cultural competence in education by engaging the wisdom of indigenous knowledge keepers

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dc.contributor.advisor Fitzpatrick, K en
dc.contributor.advisor Kiro, C en
dc.contributor.author Hetaraka, Maia en
dc.date.accessioned 2020-02-13T02:23:38Z en
dc.date.issued 2020 en
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2292/49954 en
dc.description.abstract Western-centric education in New Zealand is a political tool used to actively and aggressively force colonisation, assimilation, and integration on Māori. The attempted elimination of te reo, tikanga, and mātauranga Māori through education has caused considerable, and in some instances irreparable, damage to Māori cultural identities and social structures. According to the Ministry of Education, a pathway to reparation lies in a policy designed to enable indigenous students to experience education success, as Māori. However, the Māori education strategy and related support resources overlay New Zealand’s history and on-going experiences of colonisation with limited space to critically examine the impact of that history. The same education system that sought to remove Māori identities now aspires to develop Māori cultural competence in education professionals, and positions itself as expert enough in te ao Māori to achieve this. A key purpose of this thesis is to challenge this objective by engaging the wisdom of highly esteemed Māori knowledge holders, kaumātua. Kaumātua are Māori elders with specific knowledge and expertise who seek to solve contemporary issues by engaging ancient knowledges and processes. This thesis is underpinned by kaupapa Māori and decolonising methodologies that take for granted the power of indigenous knowledge systems to challenge and transform injustices. This research approach enables the perspectives, expectations and aspirations of kaumātua to drive analyses of cultural competence as an appropriate response to an unjust education system. This research will analyse the alignment between English-medium education concepts of Māori cultural competence, and the future of education for Māori as envisioned by those who live successfully, as Māori. Centralising the wisdom of indigenous knowledge holders will challenge the very notion of cultural competence within the context of New Zealand’s colonial history, and will explore the complexities and possibilities of achieving shared responsibility for Māori education success. en
dc.publisher ResearchSpace@Auckland en
dc.relation.ispartof PhD Thesis - University of Auckland en
dc.relation.isreferencedby UoA99265291412602091 en
dc.rights Items in ResearchSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Previously published items are made available in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. en
dc.rights.uri https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/docs/uoa-docs/rights.htm en
dc.title Te Kauae Tuku Iho; Inheriting the Sacred Jawbone: Re-imagining Māori cultural competence in education by engaging the wisdom of indigenous knowledge keepers en
dc.type Thesis en
thesis.degree.discipline Education en
thesis.degree.grantor The University of Auckland en
thesis.degree.level Doctoral en
thesis.degree.name PhD en
dc.rights.holder Copyright: The author en
dc.rights.accessrights http://purl.org/eprint/accessRights/OpenAccess en
pubs.elements-id 794119 en
pubs.org-id Education and Social Work en
pubs.org-id Te Puna Wananga en
pubs.record-created-at-source-date 2020-02-13 en
dc.identifier.wikidata Q112952328

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