Novel Directions in Network Steganalysis

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dc.contributor.advisor Manoharan, Sathiamoorthy
dc.contributor.advisor Speidel, Ulrich Seo, Jun O 2022-08-10T02:47:33Z 2022-08-10T02:47:33Z 2021 en
dc.description.abstract Network steganography is the art of exploiting network protocols or network flows to innocuously hide information. Network steganalysis is the study of analysing network traffic and flows to prevent any illicit use of steganography. Using statistical metrics to compare malicious and matching benign flows has been a solid methodological approach in network steganalysis. This approach may not work in many practical situations, however, because it is difficult to acquire both malicious and matching benign flows. A fundamental question thus inspires this thesis: What if we only have the malicious flows on hand? That is, what if we do not have access to the matching benign flow so there is nothing to compare against? Moreover, while it is critical to detect the fraction of malicious flows with a steganalysis technique, there is a lack of measurement on how much damage malicious flows cause. This leads to another question: Can we estimate how much information a malicious flow contains, thereby indicating potential damage? This thesis investigates the use of complexity derivates and a re-embedding technique to answer the two fundamental questions posed above. The experiments presented here show that it is possible to detect and estimate the amount of malicious information accurately in a number of different scenarios. However, this method is semi-automatic and relies on a significant amount of manual work, making it impractical for large-scale networks that may generate a significant number of network flows. Therefore, this thesis investigates and proposes a number of approaches to fully automate the process.
dc.publisher ResearchSpace@Auckland en
dc.relation.ispartof PhD Thesis - University of Auckland en
dc.relation.isreferencedby UoA en
dc.rights Items in ResearchSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.
dc.rights.uri en
dc.title Novel Directions in Network Steganalysis
dc.type Thesis en Computer Science The University of Auckland en Doctoral en PhD en 2022-08-07T07:07:50Z
dc.rights.holder Copyright: The author en
dc.rights.accessrights en

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