Quantitative microstructure of rat right-ventricular trabeculae carne

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dc.contributor.author Joshi, P en
dc.contributor.author Sands, Gregory en
dc.contributor.author Gerneke, Dane en
dc.contributor.author Le Grice, Ian en
dc.contributor.author Loiselle, Denis en
dc.coverage.spatial University College, London en
dc.date.accessioned 2011-09-06T22:20:50Z en
dc.date.issued 2006 en
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2292/7833 en
dc.description.abstract Due to their small diameter and the axial alignment of their myocytes, isolated trabeculae carnae are extensively used in studies of the mechanics of cardiac tissue. An understanding of their structure is essential for the interpretation of results arising from such studies. Our aim was to quantify the relative proportions of myocytes, connective tissue and blood vessels constituting right-ventricular trabeculae carnae from adult rats. Isolated hearts were Langendorff-perfusion fixed with 3% formalin in high osmolarity phosphate buffer. A trabecula was dissected from the ventricular free wall and embedded in a resin block. The block was fixed onto the translation stage of an extended-volume imaging system (1) and its surface milled to expose the preparation in cross-section. The exposed surface was etched (2), stained with toluidine blue (for myocytes), followed by ponceau de xylidine and acid fuchsin (for connective tissue), and photographed using a digital camera attached to a compound light microscope with a 20x, 0.7 NA, water-immersion lens. The samples were milled at 20 μm intervals to obtain a series of sequential cross-sectional images. In order to calculate fractional areas, images were segmented, based upon colour and intensity differences. The relative areas (mean ± 95% confidence limits, n = 8) were: 0.77 ± 0.028 myocytes, 0.11 ± 0.030 collagen and 0.11 ± 0.018 blood vessels. With the exception of those in the peripheral layer, essentially every myocyte had at least one immediately adjacent capillary while, on average, each capillary serviced two myocytes. Three-dimensional reconstruction (at 1 μm intervals) of a 50 μm segment revealed that most axially-aligned capillaries are interconnected, at some point, forming a reticulated microvascular network within the trabecula. en
dc.description.uri http://www.physoc.org/custom2/publications/proceedings/archive/article.asp?ID=Proc%20Physiol%20Soc%203C25 en
dc.relation.ispartof The Physiological Society Meeting en
dc.rights Items in ResearchSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Previously published items are made available in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. en
dc.rights.uri https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/docs/uoa-docs/rights.htm en
dc.title Quantitative microstructure of rat right-ventricular trabeculae carne en
dc.type Conference Item en
dc.rights.holder Copyright: the author en
pubs.finish-date 2006-07-04 en
pubs.start-date 2006-07-03 en
dc.rights.accessrights http://purl.org/eprint/accessRights/OpenAccess en
pubs.subtype Conference Paper en
pubs.elements-id 95029 en
pubs.org-id Bioengineering Institute en
pubs.org-id ABI Associates en
pubs.org-id Medical and Health Sciences en
pubs.org-id Medical Sciences en
pubs.org-id Physiology Division en
pubs.record-created-at-source-date 2010-09-01 en

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