Unlocking The Potential of Pre-Eclampsia Self-Management System: Analysing Benefits, Challenges and Gaps
Degree Grantor
Pre-eclampsia is a severe hypertension condition that complicates approximately up to 10% of pregnancies. Timely diagnosis and treatment are essential since this condition poses serious threats to the health of the mother and fetus. Selfmanagement of blood pressure (SMBP) has become a viable approach to improving health outcomes and early diagnosis. Through a systematic literature review using PRISMA and applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a lens, this research identifies key functionalities for developing Preeclampsia Self-Management Systems. Patients and health providers experienced improved patientprovider communication, real-time alerts, and integration with electronic health records as beneficial functionalities. However, they also expressed challenges such as financial barriers, technical literacy, and data privacy concerns. The results show the need for specialized functions to manage pre-eclampsia and emphasize the importance of considering the specific needs of patients and providers.