Goodyear-Smith, FelicitySavila, FaasisilHarwood, MatireBagg, WarwickLeakehe, PaeaLetele, DaveSwinburn, BoydBamber, Anele2025-01-092025-01-092023-01(2023). Annals of Family Medicine, 21(Suppl 1), 3566-.1544-1709 Brown Buttabean Motivation (BBM) is a grassroot Pacific-led organisation aiming to reduce obesity amongst Pasifika (Pacific people in Aotearoa New Zealand) and Indigenous Maori, helping them choose a healthy and active life-style for themselves, their children and their wider family. BBM offers a holistic approach to weight loss, recognising that mental health, family and cultural factors all play essential and critical roles in nutrition and physical activity patterns. Objective To understand how participants experience and engage with BBM. Study Design &; Analysis Qualitative study conducted by our co-design research team within a broader BBM research project. Initial inductive thematic approach followed by theoretical deductive analysis of coded data guided by Pacific Fonofale and Māori Te Whare Tapa Whā health models. In this meeting-house metaphor, the floor is family, roof is culture, house-posts are physical, mental, spiritual and socio-demographic health and well-being, surrounded by environment, time and context. Setting South Auckland, New Zealand 2021 Population Studied BBM participants Instrument Semi-structured interviews Outcome Measures Narrative data Results 22 interviewees (50% female) aged 24-60 years of mixed Pacific and Māori ethnicities. Majority self-reported weight loss (between three and 135kg) since starting BBM. Two researchers independently coded data with adjudication (kappa=0.61) Participants identified the interactive holistic nature of health and wellbeing from BBM. As well as physical, mental and spiritual benefits, BBM helped many re-connect with both their family and their culture. BBM is seen as a new way of life. Participants "immediately belong to BBM family" regardless of culture or size, "with no judgements" and adopt the BBM motto "no excuses". Conclusions Many weight loss studies provide programmes to improve physical exercise and nutrition, but seldom address sustainability and other core factors such as mental health and motivation. BBM is a community-embedded Maori and Pasifika-led intervention, with no reliance on researchers nor external authorities for its ongoing implementation. It addresses factors impacting participants' lives and social determinants of health, including vaccination drives, food parcels and adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns. Our three-year longitudinal cohort study assessing sustained weight loss is ongoing.ElectronicItems in ResearchSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Previously published items are made available in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. LossLongitudinal StudiesMotivationAdultMiddle AgedHealth PromotionNew ZealandFemaleMaleHealthy LifestylePacific Island PeopleMaori People32 Biomedical and Clinical Sciences42 Health Sciences44 Human Society11 Medical and Health Sciences16 Studies in Human SocietyEngaging with Brown Buttabean Motivation for Sustained Weight LossConference Item10.1370/afm.21.s1.3566Copyright: Annals of Family Medicine, Inc.38226952 (pubmed)1544-1717