Henley, Simon2015-04-102015-04-102006-6ACE papers, Issue 17: Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Paper 4.http://hdl.handle.net/2292/25159These ACE working papers were a publication of the Auckland College of Education and the last of these was produced in 2006.This paper presents a pre-service teacher’s exploration of the tensions that became visible in the intersection of his teacher education programme and the associated school/classroom ‘teaching’ experiences, and considers a framework that offers both personal and pre-service potential resolutions for these tensions.enItems in ResearchSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Previously published items are made available in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher.https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/docs/uoa-docs/rights.htmA square peg in a round hole? An exploration of constraints to the adoption of constructivist-based practice by beginning mathematics teachersTechnical Reporthttp://purl.org/eprint/accessRights/OpenAccess