Lutteroth, ChristofTian, ShengWeber, Gerald2011-06-242011Computer Science Technical Reports (2011-002). 2011. University of Auckland Computer Science Department, New Zealand. 1173-3500. 9 pages1173-3500 communication is essential for enterprise mashup applications. To implement it, current mashups use the publish/subscribe pattern. However, for mashup scenarios with many interactions between widgets, this pattern requires a lot of manual wiring between the widgets in existing mashup platforms. In this paper, we propose a new event model, UWEM, which is an extension of Linda and Tuple Space. UWEM separates event publishers and subscribers in space, time and reference. It provides a more flexible and effective interaction pattern among widgets. It makes it easier for users to build mashups, and also delivers a plug and play experience of building mashup application for users. We have implemented UWEM in a popular enterprise mashup framework.Items in ResearchSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Previously published items are made available in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. space, mashup, widget, event modelTuple Space for MashupsReportCopyright: the author