Coxon, EWendt Samu, TOtunuku, Mo'ale2011-07-242002 main aim of this thesis is to identify the impacts of a recently implemented English literacy programme in Tongan primary schools on the teaching and learning of Tongan language skills. Under a New Zealand funded aid project, a primary language component involving a new approach to the teaching of English was implemented in Tongan schools during the period of 1999 – 2001. This skills-based approach to the teaching of English language was included in both pre-service and in-service teacher education programmes and sets of selected English readers were provided to all schools. In October 2001, a formal evaluation of the programme was conducted and it concluded that there was clear evidence that it had been very successful in raising pupils' literacy in English. What the proposed study hopes to demonstrate is the effects of the 'new language' practices, introduced in support of English literacy, on the teaching and learning of Tongan literacy skills. Anecdotal evidence from teachers is that it is not only English literacy that has improved. Many teachers also claim that their teaching, and pupils' learning of Tongan reading and writing have also improved. The findings of this thesis support the view that the English literacy programme implemented in Tongan primary schools has contributed effectively to the teaching and learning of the Tongan language.Items in ResearchSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. in Tongan Primary SchoolsThesisCopyright: The authorQ112857946