Professor J.E. MortonProfessor W.R. MacGregorBergquist, Patricia R.2007-12-052007-12-051961Thesis (PhD)--University of New Zealand, 1961. scope of the present work is the systematic revision of the Demospongiae of the N.Z. region, here defined as including North and South Is. and all outlying islands as far north as Three Kings and South to Auckland and Cambell Is. The Kermadec Is. are not considered as part of the N.Z. region, but the sponges recorded from these islands are revised in the sytematic account. At present, 243 species of Demospongiae are recorded for this region, these belonging to 124 genera and 35 families. Of this total 49 species have been described as new and forty-six species are recorded as new to the fauna in this work.Scanned from print thesisenItems in ResearchSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Demospongiae of New Zealand-Systematics, distribution and relationshipsThesisFields of Research::270000 Biological Sciences::270700 Ecology and Evolution::270702 Marine and estuarine ecology (incl. marine ichthyology)Copyright: The authorQ111963907