Delta-kicked rotor experiments with an all-optical BEC
Degree Grantor
This thesis deals with an investigation of the chaotic dynamics of an atom optics δ-kicked rotor (AOKR) system, a paradigm of classical and quantum chaos. The AOKR rotor is realized by subjecting a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of ⁸⁷Rb atoms to a periodic potential. The potential in the form of a standing wave, obtained from a far detuned laser beam is turned on and off periodically in time, producing short pulses (kicks) of laser light. For certain values of the period between the kicks, resonant effects known as quantum resonances are observed that are purely quantum effects. Quantum resonances have been examined in the AOKR for a series of kicks. For large number of kicks, the width of these resonances have been shown to become narrow. Higher order resonances corresponding to fractional Talbot times have been observed in the system. These quantum resonant effects have been found to depend sensitively on the initial velocity of the atoms. The first three primary resonances have been studied in detail, by measuring the momentum distribution and the kinetic energy of the atoms, for two and four kicks. A sinusoidal dependence of the energy on the initial momentum has been observed for two kicks. By increasing the number of kicks, the system becomes extremely sensitive to the initial momentum of the atoms. For four kicks, a more complex behavior is observed in the system energy. A scheme for investigating Loschmidt time reversal of chaotic dynamics of the atomic deBroglie waves have been described in the AOKR system. It has been demonstrated that the initial wave function of an ensemble of ultracold atoms is restored, after a series of delta-kicks in what is essentially a multiple beam interferometry experiment. During the process, the evolution of the system for a fraction of the atoms with a very small initial momentum is reversed, which results in a narrowing of the momentum distribution. It is hoped that the research presented in this thesis will significantly contribute to the understanding of the connection between the classical and quantum worlds.