Dissipative Quantum Phase Transitions of Light: Generalized Jaynes-Cummings-Rabi Model
Degree Grantor
The dissipative quantum phase transitions experienced by a driven optical system are studied in order to understand the underlying light-matter coupling. The primary system under study is composed of a cavity mode coupled to a two-level system with dissipation being introduced through the interaction with a surrounding environment; an external coherent field is included to drive the system out of the ground state. The coupling is given by a generalized Rabi Hamiltonian, where rotating, gr, and counter-rotating, ngr, couplings are both present and can be adjusted independently. A comprehensive study of the different phases the system can exhibit as gr and n are varied is presented. From this, we construct a bridge between two limiting scenarios: (i) the Jaynes-Cummings limit (n = 0), where the system undergoes a phase transition by means of the breakdown of the photon blockade, and (ii) the driven Dicke limit ( = 1 ), where the normal to super-radiant phase transition is found. Novel behaviour encountered in an intermediate regime (1 > n > 0) is discussed. Attention is drawn towards the strong coupling regime, where changes at the one-photon level induce nonlinear effects and behaviour reminiscent of phase transitions is encountered with just a few photons present. A comparison between weak and strong coupling regimes, and, thus, an exploration of the effect of fluctuations over quantum phase transitions of light, is given through a survey of the phases an auxiliary optical system exhibits. This system is composed of two coupled nonlinear cavities that are driven coherently and damped through the interaction with the environment; it is seen to exhibit three phases. Two phases present high-correlation between the cavities and are differentiated by the photon statistics, transitioning from classical to quantum. The third phase is characterized by a highly localized field in one of the cavities. The departure from mean-field results is highlighted and a new way to characterize the possible phases of the system is proposed. Finally, the crucial role of quantum fluctuations is quantified and used to define the phases at hand.