Petrology of the Cuvier and Paritu Plutons and their metamorphic Aureoles
Degree Grantor
Note 1. This thesis in intended as a petrological study of the plutons and contact metamorphosed rocks exposed on Cuvier Island and in the Paritu district (Fig. 1, p.2). The sulphide and base metal mineralisation of the Paritu district has formed part of a concurrent thesis by Mr. N.N.B Skinner, so the present writer has carried out little work on ore minerals apart from that considered sufficient for comparison of the plutons and their aureoles. In order to avoid unnecessary repetition, this study has been divided into three parts. Parts 1 and 11 are descrptions, with a minimum of discussion, of the Cuvier and Paritu plutons and country rocks. In Part 111 mineralogical, petrological and petrochemincal aspects of the two plutons and their metamorphic aureoles are compared and contrasted and their petrogenetic significance discussed.