Concepts of statistical analysis, visualization, and communication in population genetics


Degree Grantor

The University of Auckland


We propose a method for visualizing genetic assignment data by characterizing the distribution of genetic profiles for each candidate source population. This method enhances the assignment method of Rannala & Mountain (1997) by calculating appropriate graph positions for individuals for which some genetic data are missing. An individual with missing data is positioned in the distributions of genetic profiles for a population according to its estimated quantile based on its available data. The quantiles of the genetic profile distribution for each population are calculated by approximating the cumulative distribution function (CDF) using the saddlepoint method, and then inverting the CDF to get the quantile function. The saddlepoint method also provides a way to visualize assignment results calculated using the leave-one-out procedure. We call the resulting plots GenePlots.This new method offers an advance upon assignment software such as geneclass2, which provides no visualization method, and is biologically more interpretable than the bar charts provided by the software structure. We show results from simulated data and apply the methods to microsatellite genotype data from ship rats (Rattus rattus) captured on the Great Barrier Island archipelago, New Zealand. The visualization method makes it straightforward to detect features of population structure and to judge the discriminative power of the genetic data for assigning individuals to source populations. We then advance these techniques further by proposing methods for quantifying population genetic structure, and associated tests of significance. The measures we propose are closely related to GenePlots, and enable visual features obvious from the plots to be expressed more formally. One measure is the interloper detection probability: for two random genotypes arising from populations A and B, the probability that the one from A has the better fit to A and thus the genotype from B would be correctly identified as the ‘interloper’ in A. Another measure is the correct assignment probability: this corresponds to the probability that a random genotype arising from A would be correctly assigned to A rather than B. Using permutation tests,we can test two populations for significant population structure. These permutation tests are sensitive to subtle population structure, and are particularly useful for eliciting asymmetric features of the populations being studied, e.g. where one population has undergone extensive genetic drift but the other population has remained large enough to retain greater genetic diversity. We illustrate the new methods using microsatellite and SNP data, as well as simulation studies. We also compare the results with existing measures of genetic diversity and differentiation.



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