A spatio-temporal approach for exploring human-wildlife conflict using the kea (Nestor notabilis) as a case study
Degree Grantor
Globally, human-wildlife conflict is one of the main threats to the continued persistence of numerous species. In my thesis, I developed a spatio-temporal framework with the aim that it inform management of conflict-prone animal species such as the kea (Nestor notabilis). My specific research aims were to: 1.) characterise the movement and behavioural patterns of kea; 2.) quantify the nature and extent of kea interactions with anthropogenic infrastructure in their environment; 3.) explore how human activity may be affecting kea behavioural patterns; and 4.) assess the impact of human-wildlife conflict on kea population dynamics relative to other important threats. Applying a spatial framework to explore human-wildlife conflict requires the collection of spatio-temporal data to describe movement patterns and their relation to human features in the landscape. First, I assessed the use of animal-borne GPS telemetry as a means of collecting movement data from kea. I observed: no apparent adverse effect of the loggers on the condition of the kea; no damage to the devices that impaired their function; and that the operational performance provided high-resolution data sufficient characterising the movement patterns of wild kea. The high proportion of GPS fixes recorded in human areas and strength of habitat preference revealed that the kea in my study were attracted to human areas. Using a switching Monte-Carlo Markov-Chain model I was able to assign behavioural states to the GPS fixes, revealing that kea spent significantly more time on ground-based behaviours than flight. Kea demonstrated strong temporal variation in proximity to humans areas, and generally were in/or close to human areas at times of the day when human activity was highest. My results showed that individual kea clearly differ substantially in their movement patterns; most probably because of differences in age or reproductive status. Temporal variation in patterns of behaviour indicated that, for some individuals, durations of area-restricted behaviour varied as a function of proximity to human areas. The outcomes of a stochastic stage-based model used in a population viability analysis indicate that the biggest threat to kea populations is predation by introduced mammals, but as human populations continue to grow in kea habitats humaninduced mortality could become a major threat in the future. My results suggest the spatial approach adopted here is an effective means of describing fundamental aspects of humanwildlife interactions and potential conflict. As technology and the associated analytical toolkit continue to improve, I believe the use of spatio-temporal approach will prove to be a vital tool for exploring and mitigating human-wildlife conflict in a range of species.