Exerfied Games vs Gamified Exercise


Degree Grantor

The University of Auckland


This paper sought to develop an exercise mod for Minecraft and evaluate it against an exergame design based on guidelines from the literature. We designed and implemented both games and also designed a custom controller which mounts to an exerbike. We conducted a user study with 19 participants to evaluate our games. Participants found the exergame we developed to be more motivating and had significantly higher rpm when playing it. It is unclear whether our exercise mod for Minecraft was an effective exergame. While we did show some improvements over previous attempts to exerfy Minecraft, participant responses indicate there is still room for improvement.



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Exergame, Exercise game, Exercise gaming, Gamification

ANZSRC 2020 Field of Research Codes

46 Information and computing sciences::4607 Graphics, augmented reality and games::460706 Serious games, 46 Information and computing sciences::4607 Graphics, augmented reality and games, 36 Creative arts and writing::3605 Screen and digital media::360502 Computer gaming and animation



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