Improving Understanding of Local-Scale Vulnerability in Atoll Island Countries: Developing Capacity to Improve In-Country Approaches and Research


Project Reference Number: CBA2010-06NSY-Kench.. 2011. Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research. 62 pages

Degree Grantor


Non-technical summary The aim of this project was to build the skills of scientists in Pacific atoll countries to undertake physical vulnerability assessments. The project targeted collaboration with participants from two Pacific atoll countries, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and Tuvalu. Workshops and field based case studies were designed to provide training on methods to undertake rapid assessment of vulnerability of reef islands. The use of case studies of different environments allowed the comparison of local scale variations in vulnerability. After training workshops were completed in Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands and Fogafale, Tuvalu, workshop participants undertook rapid vulnerability assessments on case study sites. In the Republic of the Marshall Islands assessments were undertaken on Jeh island, Alinglaplap atoll and Jabót island. In Tuvalu assessments were undertaken in the village of Te Kavatoetoe on Fogafale island, Funafuti atoll. Closing workshops where held to consider inundation scenarios and report findings to collaborating organizations.




ANZSRC 2020 Field of Research Codes


Copyright: Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research