Catalyst: a peer mentoring model supporting new academics


Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 2014, 2 (3), pp. 25 - 33

Degree Grantor


This paper examines the experiences of a group of new academics from different disciplines in a research-intensive university, involved in a pilot peer-mentoring programme known as Catalyst. The critical function of this programme, as reflected by the name, was to speed up their introduction to the university and make the transition into their departments smoother, with the knowledge and support that new academics require when beginning academia. The model consists of weaving one-to-one peer mentoring simultaneously with one-to-many peer mentoring, a synergy which provided continuous, sustainable, economical and easily implemented support. The two types of peer mentoring became interdependent, which generated sustainability. The paper discusses details of the model and the benefits gained by the new academics through their involvement over their initial semester. As a result, the isolation many felt as they began their new academic roles was reduced, and they were able to cope with the institution and departmental expectations more quickly and effectively than left on their own.





ANZSRC 2020 Field of Research Codes
